
Sucre is built around an attractive large plaza which, like Arequipa has its fair share of pigeons, but unlike Arequipa seems to maintain a calm and tranquil aura about it so you can actually do things like sit and read, or write in  your diary without being bothered by flocks of pigeons, or interrupted by people just wanting to sit and chat.

Plaza 25 de Mayo
Plaza 25 de Mayo

The colonial white buildings that give Sucre its nickname, ´The White City´have to be whitewashed every year, which makes sure that all the buildings always look fresh and shiny and new under their red tiled rooves.  Sometimes, if you are lucky, you might round a corner to find a plastic dinosaur staring at you.  Sometimes that dinosaur is a phone box, but other times, it is merely for decoration.  Yet again, I had found a city I could live in and so was very glad that I had chosen it as the place I would stay for the next few weeks and learn more Spanish. 

I could have done some touristy stuff today, like go and see some dinosaur footprints or visit one of the many boring museums, but all I really wanted to do was rest for a while, drink beer and eat food in a gringo cafe, stare at a computer screen, buy a bottle of wine with a cork and then realise that there´s no corkscrew anywhere, sit alone on the rooftop terrace of the hostel for a while not talking to anyone and not imprisoned on a bumpy bus ride, and to feel FREEEEEEEEE!

Dino Sunset
Dino Sunset

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